

2019/08/12 | VIDES

VIDES が 1991 年において、サレジアンシスターズの国際ボランティア団体として発足し、
日本では 1994 年、稲川孝子シスターのもと、活動が開始されました。
それに続いたのがフィリピン(1995 年)、続いてインド(1998 年)、
次にベトナム(2000 年)、カンボジア(2001 年)、
そして 2007 年には、韓国、中国、タイが同時期で、 その活動を開始しています。
世界中の社会問題についての情報提供をするNGOの一つとして、 IIMAを通じて、

VIDES JAPANも、日本の社会問題に関わり、今後、世界に向けて、

VIDES JAPAN: An Overview
VIDES was launched in 1991 as an international volunteer organization of Salesian Sisters. In Japan, its activities started in 1994 under Takako Inagawa (Sr. Paula Inagawa Takako). VIDES Japan was established as the first branch in Asia, followed by the Philippines (1995), India (1998), Vietnam (2000), Cambodia (2001), and in 2007, Korea, China, and Thailand at the same time. The activities of VIDES in Asia was led by Japan.   Currently, Japan accepts a large number of tourists, with annual visitor numbers in 2018 around 30 million. All Asian VIDES countries are included in the top 10th. Included in the Top 20 are Canada, the United States & the United Kingdom. These countries leading international volunteers at VIDES are ranked in.   Japan in the face of such numbers is rapidly becoming more international Under such circumstances, it is necessary to consider not only “internationalization” but also the value of what “international volunteers” is and what kind of specific work required. It goes beyond just thinking about the meaning of the word. It means a revolution in the values of Japanese society. Japan is one of the world’s most developed countries, and the gross domestic product is third largest. However, Japan is one of the countries where the “World Giving Index” ranks below 100 and the culture of giving has not taken root. cover shop online In such a culture, among the OECD’s advanced countries, the poverty rate of single-parent families is the lowest. Therefore, it can be said that it is also a fact that we need to face hidden poverty there. In such a Japanese society, we should find people who need the “Giving” and “Given” experiences. It may be the work of a religious organization such as VIDES that is not a government or an international project at the national organization levels .It is difficult for the Japanese government and society to accept intervention from charitable works, the work of “volunteers” like VIDES. However, all the better for this difficulty, Japan has the potential to change- even the values of the general society. cover iphone x custodia outlet The reason why Salesians’ voluntary work should lead the churches and even Japanese society can be attributed to the education style of Don Bosco. Don Bosco’s “preventive” is not meant in a negative sense but should be seen as positive and proactive. That is because his style is facing children and their background then to point out what they need before they do something wrong. custodia samsung His style “persuades” children and youth about what is the correct discernment. Japan’s Salesian Sisters’ school corporations are all based on this style. Based on that, the activities of VIDES are also fostering young people in the international communities. Therefore, in addition to the 14 types of activities that have continued since our beginning, we made a group centering on young people. cover shop online Also in 2019, as an international volunteer group, a group launched to promote us as an international group in media. Building on our 25-year history, VIDES JAPAN’s growth will be further embodied in the future. To that end, it is particularly necessary to face the poverty of Japanese children, And we are strengthening our ability to tell about what is happening in Japan to overseas. By presenting the current Japanese growth and future challenges in this paper, I hope you can increase your understanding of Japan and the expectations for it.





